Maybe none of these images reflect your secret. . . but if the truth be told, you do have a secret. . . right???? I did.
This is where my freedom journey began. . . uncovering one secret at a time and realizing I was held captive by them. What a sad state I was in. . . a Christian saved by the grace of God. . . through His son Jesus Christ. . . yet living in captivity and not walking in the freedom that He died for. I'm not completely free yet. . . I still struggle with things, but He has brought me so far. . . and I am not the same person I use to be.
Just so you know, you don't have to be lost to be a captive. You can be saved. We don't even have to be in a stronghold of sin to be a captive. According to Beth Moore in Get out of that Pit, we could just feel stuck, feel that we can't stand up to our enemy, and feel like we have lost our vision. She also states in Breaking Free that a Christian is held captive by anything that hinders the abundant and effective Spirit-filled life God planned for them.
My desire in blogging this Freedom Journey is to share the keys to freedom that the Lord has taught me. They were not given to me all at one time or in any particular order. But they are all essential to unlocking the doors and setting the captive free from what ever keeps them in bondage. So please pray for me as I begin to share these truths. . . that God would give me clarity of mind, and wisdom about what to share and what not to share.
If you are reading this and you are 'all good', and have no secrets, then these posts won't be of much use to you. But don't go yet. . . stay a while and read along. Maybe you've had that secret thing hidden so long you've forgotten it's even there. I know that sounds crazy, but it's not really! Have you ever put something somewhere 'safe', so that you could find it later, only to forget where you put it? That is what I am talking about. You could have been in bondage so long that you do not even realize it. So hang out and ask the Lord to show you if there is anything that is hindering you from living the Spirit-filled life that He intended for you.
And please remember: God knows your secrets and loves you anyway! Please accept that and trust Him to lead you to freedom.
Online Marriage Retreat
4 years ago
Wow! I agree!
Well said my friend. I love you and am so glad that God put us together.
Praying for God's Truth and grace to shine through this blog.
Love Pamela
Awesome post Regina. That video is so true. Looking one way on the outside... being someone else on the inside. I do not want to every live that life again!
Love ya!
Thanks for letting us see through to your heart.
Many times people don't share their secrets is they fear that others won't keep their confidences. God knows them...but doesn't mean everyone needs to know...
We gotta conquer that fear factor before we can "let it out" so to speak. Then we can feel free to let loose of what is holding us.
I'm ready to get out of the chains that bind me from my Lord. He's helping me to get there, but its been a long road and I don't see the end of that road yet, but I know its gotta be around the corner.
Thanks God for helping me learn how to break the handcuffs that are holding me from letting loose.
I love you my friend.
Regina! This was an incredible post. The LORD desires to reveal to each of us what we have long hidden and tried to cover---You are so right when you said, maybe it's been covered so long you forgot about it--that happens all too often!
When we lay one thing down, the enemy (I have found) is right there ready to supply another!
Bless you for sharing this!
I haven't been here in so long, but you were on my heart---so I had to stop over!
We've go so much going on right now, I've not had time to blog in the way I so LOVED.
Miss you! I have your picture in your purple "sisters of faith" shirt on a collage with many other sisters! It brings a smile to my heart every time I think of God's goodness to me.
Blessings on you dear sister!
Very provocative video, probing to the depths and forcing me to think about my secrets; I've never been a secretive person, afraid of sharing my stuff. I've always had a pretty healthy sense that God does, in fact, see everything. What's the point of trying to sweep it under the rug? But lately, some stuff has come out in the open ... struggles of faith that have required a lot of questions, confession, and serious time in God's counsel.
Isn't it just better to deal with our stuff and get on with it?!
Good to hear from you, Regina. Life has recently shifted for me again, now having 2 boys in college. My heart's been hurting for a great many reasons. I'm walking it through, this journey of faith, but it's been a real struggle for me some days. I know in my head that God is faithful and that he cares for us all as we transition. But my heart has a difficult time absorbing such truth some days.
Perhaps there are some "secrets" that need telling. Pray for me as I search my soul in this season and seek to go deeper with Jesus.
Are you near Myrtle Beach by chance? I'm doing a Saturday ladies' retreat there at the end of September. Would love to be with you if you were close.
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