Friday, January 9, 2009

WooHoo, I Did It!!

It is only the 9th day of January and I have memorized my very 1st scripture for 2009. And I am PUMPED! I hopped over to Beth Moore's blog today to find out that she had posted some scripture memory helps for the 3000+ siestas that are on board with this thing. I was surprised to find out that I was already doing some of the things that she was suggesting. She gave an acrostic for scripture memory based on Romans 12:2 and I'd like to share it here. Maybe it will be of some help to someone. You can also go over to LPM blog and listen to the tutorials for yourself.

R ~ READ IT (read it off your index card over, and over, and over . . .)
E ~ EXAMINE IT (examine it for simple ways to help you remember)
N ~ NEED IT (needing it really helps you to remember)
E ~ ECHO IT (say it out loud over, and over, and over . . .)
W ~ WIELD IT (His word is a sword so take it out and use it)

If you read my previous post you know that I decided to memorize this verse with my name inserted into it. I did this because I NEEDED this verse and I wanted to make it more personal. Well . . . yesterday I recited my verse to my son Phillip so he could check me and make sure that I knew it. I didn't get it right at first but I kept ECHOING it until finally I had it. I was so excited, and my boy just smiled.

Later on that evening I did it again and got it the first time I tried. Then I said, "hey Phillip listen to this . . . IF Phillip will set his love upon HIM, HE will deliver Phillip, HE will set Phillip on high because he has known HIS name. Phillip will call on HIM and HE will answer, HE will be with Phillip in trouble, HE will deliver Phillip and honor him. With long life HE will satisfy Phillip and show Phillip HIS salvation. Psalm 91:14-16" Phillip just smiled a big one and my daughter Sara who had been listening yelled, "Do me mommy, do me!" So I did. It was precious! What a great way to get my little ones involved and to speak the word over them.

Since I have it memorized, and I still have a few day left before I start my second verse of the month I'm gonna practice WIELDING IT. My weapon is no longer in the sheath, it is out and ready! So look out mr. devil I think its gonna be a bad year for you!


Melanie said...

That's so awesome. Good for you! I love how you got your kids in on it. That's so wonderful on many levels.

I've still working on memorizing my verse from Beth's Daniel study I've been doing.


Lisa said...

Nice to meet you! (You posted on my blog!) I love your idea about putting your name in the verse! I also think your daughter's reaction was adorable! Will be stopping by to visit you throughout the year!

May you feel encouraged by God's presence in your day!


Beverly said...

You tell that devil to move on over girl. Amen!

I love ya,

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

AWESOME! I thought Beth's "w" would be "write it." Thus, I've added it alongside "wield".

I'm on to verse #2, Jeremiah 6:16. I was so excited today when I recognized my first verse (Isaiah 54:10) on another blog.

So simple. Why has it taken us so long to do it?!

Let me know about your next one.


Bonnie said...

Too funny - I thought what Elaine thought. Writing it over & over always helps me!!! Way to get your scripture memorized - let us know how you "wield it" this week!!!!!!! YAY on getting the kids involved - I like that idea a lot. I think I'll get my young'un to do the memorizing with me, too!! Oh the power of the word. Blessings!!

Aunt Angie said...

Regina!!! I love that! I have some of her studies and it went through that :) AND the index cards with verses---I started that in 2007...and CANNOT find my cards!!! I would drive down the road to work, reading them, praying them...and meditating them. WOW!

I have got to find them~I had swapped and started using a daily devotional with a Bible verse to use each day. I have got to find my cards!!!!

This was awesome!

I miss you too---but am so GLAD that you have the opportunity to study the 90 Days with the One and Only again!!!