Saturday, September 20, 2008

Where is Jesus When You Need Him?

"What would it be like if meeting with Jesus always required
going to another place, leaving our homes
to go out looking for Him?"

This was a question from my quiet time this morning. Day 20 in "JESUS, 90 Days With The One and Only" by Beth Moore.

Just think about it.

What if you needed Him, or you had something exciting to tell Him, and you had to go looking for Him?

Where would you find Him?
at church, or maybe at a friend's house

Could you find Him? you know this is a big place we live in, lots of people everywhere

What if you were at your job and you needed Him? you can't just walk out and go looking for Him ~ do that more than once or twice and you'd more than likely get yourself fired

What if when you found Him the crowd was so large you couldn't get to Him. . . what then?

I'm thankful today that I did not have to go and look for Him to spend time with Him. He was there when I climbed out of bed and brushed my teeth. He walked with me as I headed for the living room. He sat down with me. . . right there in our spot. In a little while my husband and I are going out like we do every Saturday and work the bus ministry for our church. Jesus is going with us. He's spending the day with us as a matter of fact. And tomorrow we've invited Him to go to church with us. And eat lunch with us. And hang out while we watch the race and nap. And on Monday if things get tough at work, like it sometimes does. . . it's OK, He is there too. And not only is He there with me at work, He's with my husband in his classroom, and He's in school with my children too.

Where is Jesus when you need Him? Or when you just want Him?


Beverly said...

Whoa girl, what a time you had today!
Yes He is with me everywhere. There have been times when I have left Him and realized later why He wasn't helping or answering my call because I left Him somewhere like when I'm trying to find my keys I've left somewhere. I never want to go somewhere or do something and He not be there, so I need to be the one to take Him with me always. He's already there but unless I show Him no one would know.

Aunt Angie said...

Regina--I join you in the gladness of having HIM wherever we ARE! No matter where. I have thought many times when I was in a situation (at work) when I overheard a conversation where Jesus was the FURTHEREST of topics. Since the Holy Spirit is ALWAYS present---since I know that GOD IS EVERYWHERE...and Jesus----who promised to never leave me nor forsake me was right THERE with me hearing it all....I wondered in my mind what HE thought. I have been thinking on this devotion since I read it this morning and reflected back to the many times in the past years---I did not necessarily invite Him along on every event of life. In the past few years, the Lord has dealt with me strongly on WHAT I see and hear. I know that everyone is not alike. I have told my daughter---what I must do and what she must do may not always be the same thing. Because my "mind" wanders easily and my imagination runs wild at times (especially with the financial news of late) I have had to make a concentrated effort---MORE than ever before---to DWELL on things of GOD. In other words, I've had to change my radio stations. Remove some secular books from my shelves permantely. Not because they were bad or vulgar---but because they did not edify Christ. I enjoy reading fiction as well as non-fiction. But I have had to limit my fiction reading to what JESUS might pick up and read for a light reading. I have altered many other things in my life. JUST because I felt the NEED to. But others may not have the hang ups I do. I must do all I can to stay as close to the Father as possible.
I have thought more this week on being a "presentable" Bride for Christ than ever. Without spot or wrinkle. I am thankful for the "spotremover". He's awesome!

You always bless my heart! I read your e-mail to Aimee this morning (since she didn't have her computer on yet) Being a pastor's wife she has had her plate overflowing this week with death associated with the church, an anniversary supper for another, a pastor/board supper, regular church services, plus her job as a nurse, and the Sunday School class she two TEENAGERS!

I say that just in case she can't get over here today!

I love and appreciate you very much!

Anonymous said...


Thankyou for sharing from Beth Moore's study. I loved it. Love your blogspot, too. Angie called and told me about you this morning and I wanted to make sure and visit you before the day was out. I'm so glad I did- I needed reminding that no matter where I am, He is invited and goes with me and I don't have to go and find Him!


My ADHD Me said...

Hi Regina, I read your post in the comment of Edie's blog. Wow, three times! I have been praying that God would speak out loud to my 17 year old sons heart. he's at that doubting age where he wants proof. A friend recommended a book The Case For Christ and i have ordered it for him through ebay, hope that helps.

As for Mr Linky....Boy are you talking to the wrong person about that!. I think the idea is to comment on your own blog and then link it from hers so that you will get more exposure to your own blog. I really don't know. What I do know is that you are right, I am lucky to have a sister that is able to help me. When it comes to computers I can email, blog, go to websites and that is about all. (oh yeah, I can link now too thanks to Chatty Kelly and Edie).
Everything else i get my 12 year old to do for me.
Now I am going to read your most recent post. So I'll be back shortly.

My ADHD Me said...

I just read your post. Wow. You're right it is a wonderful feeling knowing he is there. It also helps keep me out of trouble. :)

Edie said...

Hi Regina! What a great thought. Leave it to Beth Moore huh? I am so thankful that I don't have to go out and find Him but I will admit that there were times in my life when I did do that. (sort of) A couple of times when He was silent and I needed Him and all I could do was go walk. In a sense I was looking for Him, but He was actually with me the whole time.