Friday, September 12, 2008

Let Me Just Say. . .

God is AWESOME!!!!

My church began a Watchman Prayer Ministry this week. It is a prayer wall, where church members are signed up to pray 1 hour a week. I signed up for 3AM Friday morning, even though I was a little concerned about that time. I usually am up at four anyway because I have to be at work at six. I have every other Friday off so I thought that would be helpful. Four is tough sometimes, but I really could not think of any other time that would be uninterrupted. So I did it. I believe that e
very hour is accounted for, and if not it is on it's way to being accounted for.


Well, today I did my first watch and it was wonderful what God did. It started by Him waking me up for my 3AM shift. Really! HE woke me up. I woke up at 2:45 and waited in the darkness for my alarm to go off at 2:50. I lay there and thought. . . I'm so glad I woke up by "myself" (HA! did you get that? I thought I woke me up) . . . now maybe I won't be too sleepy to pray. I have been concerned all week that I was crazy for signing up for 3AM. . . you are going to be sleeeppppy. I looked at the clock and it was 2:55 . . .what's going on? I know I set the clock for 2:50 . . . I better get up. I discovered that I set my clock but did not turn it on. OOPS! THANK YOU LORD, you did wake me up. I could hear Him in my spirit say, "Of course I woke you up . . . I've been waiting all week for this hour." Now, don't think that this is the only hour I've spent with Him this week because it's not. But it is the first time I have ever committed an hour to just prayer and seeking Him.

AWESOME. . . I say . . . just AWESOME!

And all my fears have been put to rest. I was afraid that I would not be able to spend the entire hour in prayer. But you know what? An hour was not enough! It is 4:40 now and my heart is still singing His praises as I write this blog to tell you all (whoever you are) what an AWESOME God I have. He is EVERYTHING to me. And I am thankful that HE led my Pastor and our church to do this. I am so excited I can hardly stand it. HE IS GOING TO DO GREAT THINGS! It's going to be amazing. Many years I have desired to see a GOD THING HAPPEN. You know, like the ones you read about in the bible. The kind where "God did it" and no one can deny it. All they can do is stand there and praise Him, and people (lots of people) come to know Him because of it. Although it was an inconsistent desire, because my walk has not always been consistent, it was a desire none the less. One I think could only have come from Him. And I believe that it is finally coming. He is going to move in a big way. I know this because His word promises that He will, if we will seek Him. He's a promise keeper, you know! He can't go back on His word. I believe if we seek Him . . . He is going to bring "Godly" repentance, which in turn is going to be a witness to the world around us, which is only going to prove His power to a lost and dying world. I think there is a HARVEST coming! YAY! And HE woke me up this morning so that I could be a part of it. WOW! Thank you Lord for your goodness. You are my everything. High and Lifted up!! I will sing your praises all day today.

Today is my Friday off and I was planning to go back to sleep after my watch, but I don't think I can. I think I'll just stay up a little longer and read my devotional for today and see if He's got anything else to say.

Love It! I Just Love It! Time with Him. "Just us" time. I can't get enough of Him.

Talk to y'all later, have a great day!


LynnSC said...

Wahoooo!!! You go girl. Brad's time was from midnight til 1am... he said that he was able to fill up his hour and then more.

I can't wait to see what God is going to do through this ministry.

Thanks so much for being God's "yes girl".

Beverly said...

WOW girl. That was the same way it was for me on Monday morning at 4:00 on my watch. God woke me up before my time! YEP, He knows what we need when we need it huh? and oh the things he did through that hour are amazing. I've heard many other comments from others as well this week and how God was really moving during their time. It is going to be great to see how God changes each one of us and our church! Excited to watch Him work!

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Thank you for your commitment to prayer. May God bring you untold measure of peace for your obedience to Him and on behalf of others.


Amanda said...


You have been with the One I have been with lately. I started out commiting to 5:30 am and now I am often AWAKENED by 4:00 am and can't wait to jump out and be with Him. When He begins to speak to me through His word (like he did you) I wonder how I could have ever let sleep become so important. Of course, I usually go to bed with no trouble by 10pm, but I am litterally eccstatic about the fact that 4am will be here soon and I will have alone time with Him. Put on your seatbelt because He IS going to do great things...and He is going to let you in on the secret things!! Psalm 25:14

Lelia Chealey said...

So glad you'll be in the YES to GOD Tuesday study. Expecting much from our big God! :)
"see" ya next week! ;)
P.S. Loved that He woke you up at 2:45!!