Friday, May 23, 2008

Be careful what you ask for. . .

When I look at my life, I have to say that I have been really blessed. For the most part. . . I've been able to get what I want out of life. God has blessed me with a wonderful husband, children to die for, good health, a good job, a beautiful home, 2 cars, and lots of extras. Life's been good. Dreams are coming true, and the future looks promising, even with a few uncertainties that are lingering over the horizon.

Why then, do I hunger for more? Why, when one dream is achieved, another one comes along to take its place? It never ends, and to be honest, I am growing weary of it. Round and round I go, never achieving true satisfaction. It always seems to be just around the corner.

We've all heard the old saying, be careful what you ask for. . . you might just get it. Well, last night as I did day 2 of our new Tuesday night bible study, Beth Moore said, "Isn't it frightening that we could finally talk God into giving us all we desire?" That statement alone without the light of God's word on it may sound absurd, because I would love to have ALL that I want, and as a matter of fact I want it RIGHT NOW. But let's shine God's light on it, shall we. . .

Psalm 106:15 And He [God] gave them their request, but sent leanness into their soul.

Here is what the Geneva Study Bible has to say about "leanness of the soul":
The abundance that God gave them did not profit, but made them pine away, because God cursed it.

Whoa! Did you get that. . .their dreams coming true only made them pine away, it did not satisfy them. Life has taught me that getting all that I want will never fill me to the measure, only Jesus can do that. I want to be fat, (never thought I'd say that, especially since I am currently on a diet and have lost 13lbs.), and full with all that God has to offer me. If I want something that is going to cause my soul to be lean, then I pray that God would quench that desire in me quickly. Life is too short to be filling it with things that do not satisfy. God is pursuing me, chasing me down to give me His best, and by His grace, I'm gonna turn and run to Him. I want it. . . all of it. . .everything He has to offer. This world has nothing for me. And He has everything. So let me just say be careful what you ask for. . . He might just give it to you.

Bless the LORD, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name!
I am so full on this lesson I can hardly contain myself. God is so Good!


Beverly said...

God does say in His Word that if we ask we will receive and I don't think sometimes people really believe it but He does and you are experiencing it....WOW!

Hadassah said...

Psa 63:5

"My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise You with joyful lips,"

...and I never thought I would want to be fat b/c I ate marrow! :-)

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Living Water's like that...

The more you drink, the more you notice your thirst.

Keep drinking, realizing that a drink from any other well only quenches the temporal.


LynnSC said...

What a great word, Regina. I highlighted that statement as well. I thought about all the things that we think that we want... most are not for our best.

Can't wait to share with you guys on Tuesday.