Saturday, May 3, 2008

Garden of My Heart

The garden of my heart. . . was weary. . . and in need of refreshment.
I let Jesus the Master Gardener revive me.
The Master Gardener brings to every garden. . .beauty and joy!
Even the threat of winter. . .
cannot dispel the promise of His coming spring!

He asked me, "Are you ready to get real. . . and get healed?"

"Are you ready to be pruned?" And I said, "Let the work begin! Work in me. . .Your will. . ."

"Pruned for Your Glory!"

He asked, "Is your garden gate open to receive Me?"

"Are you finally ready to tear down the walls that you've put up. . . to keep others out. . . but yourself locked in?"

"Are you willing to let Me plow up the hard ground of your heart. . .

and plant Myself in you. . . so that you can thrive?"

And I said, "YES!"


Devout Hypocrite said...

Regina, I needed to see this today. Thank you!

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

A visual explosion of what my heart longs to write!

I love the crispness of Winter and the boldness of Spring. I especially like the surprise as I'm driving along the NC highways and spot a garden of Spring cloistered within the barriers!

God is good to give us such a visual reminder of his provision and love for us. When I forget to give thanks, his creation explodes with gratitude. Thanks for walking me through.


Beverly said...

God is pruning me and I'm thankful that He is. He is teaching me so much the last few months. Thanks for giving me encouragement today