- My dad tells me that the first time that he saw me I was surrounded by doctors and was bouncing on the hospital table like a basketball. When I was born my lungs were collapsed and I could not breath. The doctors told my dad that if my lungs did not inflate quickly that they would have to do surgery and manually inflate them. My dad said that He went and prayed and I began to breath on my own. I AM A MIRACLE of God.
- When I was maybe 4 or 5 our family was going to the beach for vacation and we were involved in an auto accident. The other vehicle rolled over. My dad rescued the people from that car. No one was injured. I AM A MIRACLE of God.
- Somewhere between age 6 and 9 my mother was diagnosed with a mental illness. She was in and out of the mental hospital numerous times after that. I took on the parental role early in my childhood. I was afraid to leave her side and felt like it was my job to take care of her. I AM A MIRACLE of God.
- Our kitchen caught on fire several times in my childhood but never amounted to anything really, really serious. My dad was always able to get it under control and no one was ever hurt. I AM A MIRACLE of God.
- My parents separated and divorced when I was about 11 or 12. My dad was awarded custody. My mom was not well enough to take care of me. She would be well, then have a relapse, be well, and relapse. I had to tell a judge which parent I wanted to live with. I told the judge my dad because I knew deep in my heart that my mom could not take care of me. I got to visit her on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month. For a long time (many, many years) I lived with the guilt of that. Now as an adult I know that the judge did not base his decision on what I said. He really did what was best for me. I AM A MIRACLE of God.
- Soon after my parents divorced and the custody battle was over. My dad and I were at church and I accepted Jesus as my personal savior. I don't remember praying a prayer. Although I may have. What I do remember is this urgent feeling that I needed Jesus to be my Savior or I was going to die. I AM A MIRACLE of God.
- My dad worked swing shifts and at a very early age I had to stay by myself when he worked 2nd and 3rd shift. I AM A MIRACLE of God. One time he did not have anyone to take care of me. We lived too close to the school for me to ride the bus, and he took me to school early in the morning probably 6:30am and left me sitting in the dark by the school door so that he could go to work. It was still dusk and I was only there for maybe 15 minutes until someone got there to open the doors, but it felt like forever. I AM A MIRACLE of God.
- One day I was at home alone while my dad worked 2nd shift and I was feeling kind of sad and lonely. I was watching the 700 Club. I think that is what it was anyway. And the preacher on that show was praying for people who had called in with their request. I was sitting on the floor watching and crying and all of a sudden that preacher began to pray for what he said was a "young girl sitting in front of the TV crying with beautiful blue eyes." He said that he "did not know why she was crying but that she was very sad," and he asked, "that God would heal her." I thought to myself. . . that's me. . . I have blue eyes. . . YES God heal me, heal my broken heart!!! I AM A MIRACLE of God.
- Later in my teen years 15, 16, 17 I got away from God and fell into peer pressure, and doing my own thing smoking, drinking, drugs. When I was 16 I was in a car accident where I broke my arm, busted my mouth open, and totaled a friends car all while I did not even have a drivers licences yet. I lived to tell about it. I AM A MIRACLE of God.
- Two days before I turned 20 I married my husband now of 18 years. He did not know Jesus as his Savior at this time, which was not a concern of mine because I was not in God's will. We were married 3 years before our pitiful attempt of being happily married drove us to the feet of Jesus. He was saved and I was in love with my savior all over again. This time forever. He did AND is doing a BIG work in both of our lives. I just have to say. . .WE ARE A MIRACLE of God.
- One day my husband and I were running late for work and we were the first to drive up on the scene of a fatal accident between a drunk driver and a gravel truck. If we had been seconds earlier we would not have been able to avoid it. WE ARE A MIRACLE of God.
- One day my first born (about 2 months old), and I were ran off the road by a driver that went to sleep at the wheel. He drove all the way down the drivers side of my car. A few more inches over and it would have been a head on collision. No one was hurt. WE ARE A MIRACLE of God.
- Shortly after my husband & I started going to church my mother had a big relapse with her mental illness. Now that my brother & I were grown up it was our time to take care of her. Let me just say that it is very difficult to take care of someone who doesn't admit that they are sick and thinks that everyone is against them. God has taught me very much about trusting in Him through all of this. And over the years has healed a deep wound in my life where my mother is concerned. I AM A MIRACLE of God. Also I need to add that I don't think that I ever told my husband about my mother before we were married. At times my mother was very mean to him but my beloved husband has always been there for me. HE IS A MIRACLE of God.
I could go on and on. I have so much baggage, and so much bondage that I don't even feel free to share here because I would not want to dishonor any of my loved ones. So you'll just have to take me at my word when I say that My Lord has rescued me from many a pit therefore I AM A MIRACLE of God. And get this. . .God's word says. . .
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 4:16.
Did you get it. . . inwardly we are being changed!!! That's the New Covenant. God's promise to me. God in me doing a good work. Praise Him for He is good. Sing to Him a new song. Give Him honor and glory. Rest in His shadow. Shout the wondrous works of Him who loves me and is especially fond of me. Why me Lord? What is it that you saw in me that made you love me so? Your mercies are new every morning ~ thank you!! You are my everything!! Oh Lord, may all that I experience in this "short" life draw me closer to you, so that I may know you. Be a wellspring of life in me just overflowing so much that I can't help but get you all over those around me. I love you Lord Jesus. Bless your Holy name. Amen.
This is powerful and strong...a witness to the power and working of God in your behalf, even when you weren't aware of his presence.
I am a miracle for so many reasons, but mainly because Jesus is transforming my heart and mind to his pursuit rather than my own selfish pursuits. I love him more with each passing day. God has been very good to me.
Thanks so much for sharing all of that Regina. God is such a pursuer... He is consistent and faithful. Going after His own... not letting up until we surrender. There are many areas that I still need to totally surrender, but very thankful for the areas that I have surrendered to Him. He is changing me from the inside out... and I see Him doing that in your life as well.
Wow Regina, I knew about some of these things in your life but not all of them. Thanks to God that He is willing to help us change and that through all we go through and face we are His miracles shown to the world every minute, and OH YES, I see all that in you...thanks for being who you are in God and my precious friend!
Love ya.
That was an amazing post. Thank you for sharing all that and being real with us!
You ARE a miracle of God and I'm glad to meet you!
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