Friday, May 30, 2008

There is no way this pitcher could ever be used to hold water again.

That's the point.

Where have you been? Where are you right now? Do you wish that you could have written the pages of your own story?

My story would have been written without goodbyes or loneliness, without a sick mother, without a broken family, without betrayal, without unmet needs, without poor choices and the consequences of those choices. If I sat here long enough I could probably continue for days, but I think you get the picture.

I am thankful that I am not the author of my days. What a boring life "my" story would be. What a boring person I would be. If it were not for my brokenness, I am convinced that I would not even know my Savior. Why would I have needed Him, or even wanted Him if there were not a thirst. If my pitcher could hold its own. The thought of it makes me cringe. Would I have dreaded those days if I knew that they were going to lead me to the Eternal One. The Only One who I will never have to say goodbye to because He will never leave me. He heals all my diseases, and brings wholeness to my family. He meets all my needs, and covers all of my poor choices with His grace and mercy. Oh, I would not change a single day. The pain is worth the gain that I have experienced. What an Awesome Author He is.

And get this. . .my life may look like this pitcher all broken and cracked. And it may seem useless. But it is filled with living water and even though is seeps out the cracks and can't hold it own, the source is eternal. I'll never run low or thirst. And maybe, just maybe some of that living water that is seeping out of my brokenness will seep into the cracks of another.

This post was inspired by a post on Bring the Rain titled The Past and The Pitcher. Please take the time to hop over there and read the story that goes with the picture of the pitcher. Also take the time to read the posts that follow that one that is dated May 23rd. This family has been through alot of brokenness recently and covets your prayers.


elaine @ peace for the journey said...

I have written some of my own pages...through choices for good and for ill. Most of my cracks have come through the shattering of a fisted throw. Still and yet, my wrinkles fit as part of my story. And when allowed, some of the biggest fractures allow for the largest outflow of God's living, breathing witness. Thanks for the post, Regina.

May God bless your weekend with a much needed Sabbath rest.


Joyful said...

Hi Regina, This is my first visit to your blog.

I loved what you wrote here: "And get this. . .my life may look like this pitcher all broken and cracked. And it may seem useless. But it is filled with living water and even though is seeps out the cracks and can't hold it own, the source is eternal. I'll never run low or thirst."

I love how Christ promises us living water so that we will never thirst again...and the same time He gives us the longing and thirst for more of Him.

Beautiful illustration,

Aunt Angie said...

Oh Regina...this was so good. "The pain is worth all the gain." How awesome are His ways. Unimaginable to me...yet perfect to Him.
This was timely for me. Thank you for popping over to mine which led me to yours...and this message of such hope.
Be blessed :)

About Nancy said...

I completely agree. We must be broken to be used effectively by God. I have learned how true this is in my own life. The picture of this pitcher is a perfect example of each of us...beautifully broken!
Blessings. It was nice visiting your blog.